meaning of colour



a quiver of colours

What Colours Communicate?

There is a psychology of color and how different colors motivate your customers to buy. Each color brings about different emotions and perceptions, so you want to make sure you’re using the right colors in your branding.






RED Energy, strength, passion, eroticism, cheerfulness, courage, element of fire, career goals, fast action, lust, desire, blood, vibrancy, driving forces, risk, fame, love, survival, war, revolution, danger, aggression, strength, power, determination, emotional intensity, sex, provoking, dynamic, stimulating, courage, bravery, good-tasting, force, leadership, drama, excitement, speed, heat, warmth, violence, attention, generosity, romance

- Entertainment

- Food

- Sport

- Fire Protection

- Children Products

- Car Manufacturers

- Sales

- Used to stimulate appetite in the food industry. Red stimulates metabolism makes you feel hungry

- Increases respiration rate, perspiration, appetite and raises blood pressure.

- Used for impulse shoppers / creates urgency.

- High visibility - used to draw attention to critical elements.

- Used to convey confidence and energy.

- Red is a strong masculine colour.

Red Logos
ORANGE warmth, energy, balance, enthusiasm, vibrancy, vitality, expansiveness, flamboyance, excitement, business goals, property deals, ambition, career, goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling, action, attention-grabbing, the sun, friendly, inviting, intense, joy, strength, endurance, steadfastness, tropics, quick movement, wealth of the mind and knowledge, charity, growing things, fascination, friendliness, happiness, beginnings, heat, creativity, autumn, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, courage, earth, mental and appetite stimulatant, emotional lift, assurance, social force, health, warmth, attractiveness, cheerfulness, mood-lightening, uninhibited, independence, amiability, constructiveness, self-assuredness, cheap, low-budget, fun kids colour, youth


- Art

- Entertainment

- Food

- Sport

- Transportation

- Children's Products

- Used to communicate fun and playfulness

- Used to stimulate mental activity

-Bright shades are more aggressive and create a call to action

-Lighter shades cam appeal to an upscale market.

- Useful for highlighting important elements, promoting food products and toys.-

Popular amongst youth.

- Less passionate than red, orange still increases oxygen supply to the brain, stimulating mental activity.

orange logos
YELLOW sun, intelligence, light, accelerated learning, memory, logical imagination, social energy, cooperation, organisation, breaking mental blocks, sunshine, joy, happiness, intellect, energy, cheerfulness, optimism, purity, enthusiasm, warmth, honour, loyalty, mental force, clarity, perception, understanding, wisdom, dishonesty, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, disease, weakness, caution, cowardice, follower, curiosity, mellowness, confidence, humour, dreams, creativity, desire to improve, action, idealism, optimism, imagination, hope, summer, philosophy, uncertainty, restlessness, glory, enlightenment.

- Children's Products

- Leisure

- Travel

- Fast Food

- Transportation

- Used to communicate optimism and positivity

- Used to stimulate creative thought and energy

- Bright shades used to grab the attention of consumers.

- Used to signify fun and happiness.

-Yellow stimulates mental activity, generates muscle energy and attracts attention – it is the colour most visible to the human eye.

- Students who study in yellow rooms do better in exams.

- Cheerful yellow can be used to promote food especially in combination with other fruit and vegetable tones, children’s and leisure products and is best used as a highlight.

-Yellow is not a practical colour to use when selling expensive items to men … they perceive it as an untrustworthy and childish … and avoid yellow if you
wish to evoke safety and stability

yellow logos
GREEN earth mother, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, tree & plant magic, growth, food, hope, personal goals, resurrection, renewal, youth, stability, endurance, freshness, nature, environment, tranquil, refreshing, quiet, hope, immortality, health, healing, good luck, renewal, youth, jealousy, inexperience, trees, grass, vigour, growth, harmony, responsiveness, generosity, safety, envy, misfortune, quietude, compassion, renewal, moderation, nurturing, diplomacy, calm, contemplation, joy, love, abundance, balance, self-control, inexperience, hope, good omens, soothing, sharing, dependability, friendliness.

- Environmental

- Wellness

- Education

- Military

- Banking

- Farming

- Real Estate

- Non Profit

- Used to create relaxing environments in stores.

- Used to communicate eco-consciousness

Green lowers blood pressure, relaxes the nervous system, calms and soothes the mind, stimulates creativity, and is an appetite suppressant.

- Green is popular in most cultures.

- Green is easy on the eye and can improve vision.

- Useful as a marketing colour for organic, healthy and natural ‘green’ products.

green logo
BLUE good fortune, communication, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, calmness, reassurance, gentleness, fluidity, water, sea, creativity, peace,
calming, higher thoughts, mystery, sky, formality, travel, devotion, progress, quiet wisdom, freedom. betterment of humanity, love, trust, loyalty, intelligence, reassurance, artistry, compassion, inner strength, devotion, depression, sadness, tranquility, stability, unity, truth, understanding, confidence, acceptance, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, comfort, cold, technology, devotion, harmony, depth, faith, heaven, piety, sincerity, precision, intellect, sadness, consciousness, speech, messages, ideas, sharing, cooperation, idealism, sincerity, empathy, relaxation, affection, inspiration, friendship, patience, contemplation, infinity, harmony, non-threatening, dependability

- Security

- Finance

- Technology

- Health Care

- Hospitals

- Corporate Business

- Government

- Accounting

- Education

- Entertainment

- Government

- Suggests precision in high tech products

-Linked to consciousness and intellect; a calming colour

- Reduces stress

- Creates order

- Darker shades communicate a message of stability and inspire trust

- Blue slows the metabolism and suppresses the appetite.

- Blue is the favourite colour of more than half of the world’s people – it is the colour least disliked by most cultures.

blue logos
PURPLE influence, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self assurance, hidden knowledge, dignity, high aspirations, royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, sophistication, cruelty, arrogance, intuition, dreams, unconscious, invisible, telepathy, empathy, imagination, deja vu, universal spirit, spiritual connection, deeper truth, nobility, wealth, extravagance, dignity, independence, magic, creativity, energy, self-confidence, ego, ambition, fame, luxury, big profits, richness, sensuality, elegance, contemplation, meditation, majesty, lesbianism, New Age spirituality, paganism, conceit, arrogance, nausea

- Speciality

- Health Care

- Finance


- Religion

- Humanitarian

- Children’s products

- Luxury Goods

- Furnishings

- It is perceived differently depending on age and gender

- Like by creative type

- Creates impression of luxury intuition

- Inspire

- Purple is a polarising colour – people either love it or hate it.

- Light purple is useful for feminine designs

PINK Romance, love, friendship, femininity, truth, passivity, good will, emotional healing, peace, calming, affection, emotional maturity, caring, nurturing, sweet tasting, sweet smelling, ethereal, delicacy.

- Children products

- Women products

- Beauty

- Fashion


- Communicate Energy

- Increase pulse

- Motivate Action

- Fascinate

- Encourage Motivation

- Femininity



BROWN friendships, special events, earth, materialistic thoughts, hearth, home, outdoors, inexpensive, reliability, credibility, comfort, endurance, stability, simplicity, comfort, longevity, intimacy, tranquility, masculine, nurturing, contentment, strength, sensuality, productivity, passivity, fertility, generosity, dirt, substance, practicality, hard work

- Agriculture

- Environment

- Food

- Farming

- Construction

- Legal



- Useful for promoting food and outdoor products for work and play

- Brown is too low key if used broadly without texture or another color to enhance it. .

BLACK protection, repelling negativity, binding, shapeshifting, power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, classy, wealth, power, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, modern music, space, high quality, bad luck, formality, reservedness, dignity, elegance, secretiveness, fear of the unknown, night, emptiness, dirtiness, sophistication, strength of character, dramatic, authority, prestige, grief, anger, reliability, strong, classic, strength, anti-establishment, modernism, serious

- Designer Brands

- Luxury Cars

- Technology

- Photography

- High fashion

- Makeup

- Hygiene

- Hide feelings


- Create fear

- Associate with mystery

- Black is an excellent technical colour and it assist targeting a sophisticated high-end market or a youth market to add mystery.

- Useful for web sites for art and photography to help other colours to vibrate.

WHITE spirituality, goddess, peace, higher self, purity, virginity, reverence, simplicity, cleanliness, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter,
snow, good, sterility, cold, clinical, sterility, clarity, perfection, innocence, virginity, goodness, light, fairness, safety, positivity, faith, coolness, charity, successful innovations, union, self-sacrifice, holiness, feminine divinity, pristine, chastity, positivity

- Technology

- Health and Medical

- Designer Brands

- Hotels



- White can indicate simplicity with high-tech products and safety and cleanliness with medical products.

- White is perceived by the eye as a brilliant colour.

- White is useful for a background or accent colour as it highlights other colours.


colour moods




What Colours work well together?


Colour Harmony is the theory of combining colours in a fashion that is harmonious to the eye. In other, words colours that work together. Adobe Illustrators Colour Guide Palette is based on the concept of the colour wheel with all the colours formed in a circle. Browse through all of them :

  • Direct Harmony
  • Split Complementary
  • Triadic Harmony
  • Analogues Harmony
  • Tetradic Harmony

Colour Harmony



A good rule of thumb is anything dealing with the web should always be in RGB and printed material should be in CMYK. But very few designers and clients know why this is the standard. In short: RGB = Red, Green, Blue. Use for digital designs. It’s used exclusively in the digital design industry because it represents the same colors used in computer screens, TV screens, as well as mobile device screens. CMYK = Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key. Use for anything printed. The CMYK color system is most commonly referred to as the four-color process because it uses four different colors to produce different hues.CMYK is the recommended color system for any material that will be printed. This includes business cards, brochures, letterheads, and any other business collateral.

How to convert RGB to CMYK in Adobe programs and keep your colors vivid

Nowadays, most design software is set to the RGB color system. If you’re designing for the web, that’s fine, but if your project is intended for print, you need to switch from RGB to CMYK.
Here’s how to do it in the Adobe programs which are considered the industry standard.
  • In Photoshop, click Image > Mode > CMYK Color.
  • In Illustrator, click File > Document Color Mode > CMYK Color.
  • In InDesign, click Window > Color, then click the dropdown button in the upper right corner and select CMYK.
  • Colour gamut – the complete range of viewable color available on the device. Honestly, this is less of a concern than many people make it out to be, unless your focus is on photography or printed design projects. The reality is this: No matter how great the color is on your end, it will display based on the equipment of the user. Most displays, including Apple and Windows operating systems – are made to be sRGB compliant.



To get a good grasp of creation of depth to any art learn how to use the software tools to make an impact - for more information. Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator



COLOUR is the first thing people will notice about your work or product. Studies have shown that 90% of snap judgements are influenced by the colour alone.


FIRST colour that we distinguish after birth is red. However colour blue is the favourite colour around the world.


Colour is property possessed by any object, each object reflects or emits light and is producing different sensations on the eye.

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